Saturday, June 20, 2009

Smells like Boxer

How about we address her as "disrespectful cunt" since she's apparently "worked so hard to get that title," as well?


  1. Hopefully it won't be too long before everyone can refer to her as "ex-senator"!

    Since the General worked hard to get his title, he understood military protocol is to address every "superior" as sir or ma'am.

    Can hardly wait for Boxer to visit Camp Pendleton, Edwards AFB, Presidio, or Vandenberg! The boys will love to see such a hardworking Senator in their very midst! That is, if she would enthrall all of us by coming down from her throne on high!!

  2. Orwell said that by the age of fifty everybody has the face that they deserve. When i compare the faces of this beast, or of Hillary or Pelosi, to the faces of Cindy McCain or Sarah Palin it's obvious that Orwell was correct.
