Monday, August 31, 2009

12 Second Conspiracy, #2.

#2: Stanley Kubrick was murdered by the Church of Scientology to prevent him from making a director's cut of 'Eyes Wide Shut'.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Maxing Out the Race Card.

   Well, if you can't find racism, you can always invent it. Some people make careers of inventing racism. And apparently MSNBC has been doing it for a long time. i suspect they've been getting away with it for a long time too. Based on their clumsy attempt, last week, to  yet again demonize white people, they seem to be so accustomed to getting away with this that they don't even bother to be careful. 20 years ago -before cell phone cameras and the internet- a network could fabricate the news with impunity. Today, it's not so easy (see: Dan Rather).
     Watch the first video and notice the well-spoken American exercising his civil rights (you know, the right to assemble, to petition the government for a redress of his grievances? Oh yeah, and to bear arms). Notice the race of this man. He is NOT white.    
   Now watch the second video. (Warning: your bullshit meter may overheat during this one).
   Notice the close up of the gun. Notice the man's face has been cropped out of the frame to the point where it's not possible to identify his race, then notice the shrew, at 0:35, says "..white people showing up with guns.." and the camera cutting immediately to the face of a white man. Did you also notice she said "people," meaning more than one? If there was more than one person with a gun then why aren't there any pictures of the other people with guns? If there really were "white people" with guns you'd think those crack-reporters at MSNBC would have gotten some footage of them, especially considering that it's the premise of their entire story.
   Yes, MSNBC deliberately obfuscated the race of the Obama protester so that they could fabricate yet another phony story about white racism. So that they could deliberately promote a backward and mean stereotype about an entire race of people. Thus doing their part to assure that yet another generation of white children will grow up being presumed guilty of racism even before they learn what racism is.
   Thanks, MSNBC.